What's On at Zealandia


Karori Sanctuary Trust Annual General Meeting
ZEALANDIA Ecosanctuary

Karori Sanctuary Trust Annual General Meeting

Sunday 13 October 2019, 1.30pm
Notice of AGM


To help us with planning and logistics for the AGM, please let us know if you plan to attend clicking RSVP below as well as to record your apology.  



Election of member appointed Guardians 

Our Guardians provide a long-term strategic perspective on the sanctuary’s evolution and so need to have an active interest in the long term future of the Trust, and be available for the regular quarterly meetings of the Guardians. A good understanding of governance principles and an ability to work in a collegial and constructive way are highly desirable. Guardians are not required to bring a specific technical or professional skill, however knowledge and experience in areas relevant to the Trust’s mission are welcomed. These areas include education, conservation science and research, conservation and biodiversity management, and visitor experience. Member appointed Guardians desirably bring an active interest in community support and participation. They may also bring connections relevant to the Trust’s growing partnerships with New Zealand and global conservation organisations.  

There are two vacancies on the Guardians. All members are entitled to vote for up to two people.  Voting papers will be available in the Visitors Centre Foyer from 1.00pm, Sunday 13 October, 2019. If you are unable to attend and would like to vote please complete this Proxy form nominating someone to vote at the AGM on your behalf, or indicating your vote. 

If you do not know anyone attending the AGM and would like to vote you can appoint the Board Chair to cast your vote, simply write ‘Board Chair’ on the proxy form

The following members have been nominated as Guardians: 


Kevin Mason 

Kevin is a foundation member and a foundation guide. He continues to be an active volunteer guide, fence checker, health and safety volunteer representative, and trainer for new volunteers. He is a long standing member of the Tararua tramping club and has held a number of leadership roles in the club. He has a lifelong passion for our natural heritage and the great outdoors. He has a professional background in information technology, corporate strategy and international development. Kevin has been a member of the Guardians for the last three years and continues to promote and support our world leading project. 


Dr Nicole Stahlmann 

My professional background is in research and science management. My current role with the Ministry of Business, Innovation, and Employment (MBIE) focuses on long-term, strategic investments in research. My portfolio includes two National Science Challenges, ten-year programmes that seek to address the biggest issues and opportunities facing New Zealand, and I am responsible for making sure that they stay true to their missions and that the scientific discovery they support delivers impact for all New Zealanders.  

The mandate for the Guardians of ZEALANDIA is strikingly similar: We are to provide a strategic perspective, represent stakeholder interests, ensure the mission remains paramount, and indicate when things might be veering off track. In short: Guardians offer guidance without meddling. As a member of the Institute of Directors, I am well versed in the principles of good governance, and as a MBIE representative on three governance boards, I have ample opportunity to hone those skills.  

ZEALANDIA plays an important part in my daily life and my perception of Wellington as a city. I spend many weekend mornings in the sanctuary walking the trails beyond the Upper Dam, relishing the birdsong that was once so rare in Wellington. This summer, I will also become a Night Guide Assistant. 

The tui and kākā that I hear and see when I walk to work through Parliament Gardens are a testament to the vision and conservation success of ZEALANDIA. It would be a pleasure and honour to support and walk alongside the Trust for a short part of its 500-year journey. 


Chris Livesey 

I am an ecological economist, forester, environmentalist, community volunteer, tramper/climber, grandfather living in Brooklyn. I am skilled at abstracting from the immediate and the urgent and taking a longer-term and wider view, and at identifying key longer-term issues and questions faced by organisations such as the Karori Sanctuary Trust in terms of achieving their purpose and goals. I have had a professional career working at the interface between the economy and the environment and have had an active commitment over many years to the conservation of biodiversity and ecological restoration. I have tangibly supported the purpose and vision of the Karori Sanctuary Trust since its very early days. I have a particular interest in understanding ways in which to facilitate people developing a positive relationship with nature and an understanding of their dependence on nature. I am an independent thinker but by nature I am collegial and a team player. Since 2016 I have been Chair of the Manawa Karioi Society which manages the Manawa Karioi Ecological Restoration project (part of Tapu te Ranga marae in Island Bay) and recently I joined the Board of the Wellington Natural Heritage Trust. 


Pam Fuller 

Pam Fuller is a Foundation member, and early staff member, being the part-time admin person in the office for the first year of the Trust (1995-6). She was appointed Volunteer Co-ordinator in 1996 and worked through to 2003 building the volunteer workforce from 100 to 400 in 26 teams. Pam retired briefly in 2003 and returned as Guide and Host Convenor in 2005, retiring again in 2012. During the period 2005 to 2010 she relieved for the Visitor Centre Supervisor. She was appointed to the Trust Board member in July 2012 and served as Board member to July 2017. Pam is currently convenor of the Volunteer Vets Group, Members’ Monday Walk Group and along with Chris Moore writes the “In the Valley” entry for the Weekly Staff and Volunteer Bulletin. Living nearby she visits often. 


Mary Hubble 

I am offering myself as a potential Guardian of the Sanctuary Trust because I strongly believe in the vision of the Trust, and have skills and experience which I think will complement those of existing Guardians. I’m a partner in a small law firm in Wellington. Both before and after obtaining my law degree 24 years ago I have been involved in advising in depth on constitutional matters for a number of organisations. I have also been involved hands-on in the detail of negotiation of Treaty of Waitangi settlements and appreciate the importance of the Trust’s partnership with tangata whenua in the working out of the vision for Te Māra a Tāne. I have been limited in what I can do to volunteer at the Sanctuary (apart from a stint as a kākā-counter some years ago) and would appreciate the opportunity to contribute in this way. 


Latu Clark 

Latu Clark is passionate about conservation and creating opportunities for people to engage with nature. Her relationship with ZEALANDIA began in 2015 when she started her Masters research with local toutouwai and trained as a ZEALANDIA by Night Guide. While her thesis wrapped up in 2016, Latu has continued to guide ZEALANDIA by Night tours and she has also held a range of other guiding and visitor experience roles at ZEALANDIA.  

Latu is currently employed as a Horticulture Imports Adviser for the Ministry of Primary Industries. In this role, Latu utilises her critical thinking and communication skills to help protect New Zealand from biological risk.  

Latu has previous experience as a teaching assistant and a coordinator for a student-led engagement programme at Victoria University of Wellington. She has also been a Student Trustee for the Wellington East Girls School Board of Trustees. Latu is honoured to be a Guardian nominee and would be thrilled to add her own unique perspective to the Guardian’s existing foundation of diversity and skills. 


Ellen Carlyon 

I was born the same year the fence started being constructed and as a young woman I believe I could bring a different perspective to the ZEALANDIA Guardians. As soon as I moved to Wellington in 2017, I immediately tried to become as involved as I could with ZEALANDIA. I’ve been a night guide for around 2 ½ years, a cruise ship guide and am now at the front desk as often as I can! I am currently in my third (and final) year of my undergraduate degree. I have been studying for a double major in environmental science and ecology and biodiversity. My degree knowledge has been very helpful to my work so far at ZEALANDIA, but I am also the project coordinator for Forest and Bird Youth and love to come up with new project ideas to further help engage the community with any conservation work. I will be dedicated to the guardianship role, as I continue through my master’s degree in the upcoming year and my passion and enthusiasm for ZEALANDIA will only continue to grow. 


Photo by Rob Suisted

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