What's On at Zealandia



Take action: Volunteering in conservation

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Lynn Freeman has been a Zealandia volunteer for many years and is our most recent recipient of our Faye Schaef Award. This award is given to a volunteer who exhibits kindness, generosity, modesty, dedication, friendliness and approachability. She is a staunch advocate for Zealandia and wildlife and is a true asset to our community. Read on to find out more about her volunteer journey.

Why do people volunteer?

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Zealandia Te Māra a Tāne relies heavily on our amazing community of volunteers. Our volunteers help us with a wide range of tasks and activities. They come from all walks of life and are passionate supporters of the work we do. We wouldn’t be able to do what we do without them.

Current Volunteer Opportunities

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Our volunteer programme is now open to new volunteers, and we are recruiting to fill a variety of exciting volunteer roles. They are particularly suited to volunteers who may be looking to provide a longer-term commitment, ideally a minimum of six months. You must be over 18 years of age, and acceptance is dependent on a satisfactory police check. Check out the roles here! 

"As good as it gets"

An article by ZEALANDIA Storyteller, Libby Clark

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My blinkers have been removed.  

Until recently, my love for and commitment to Zealandia has largely been focused inside the fence. Sure, I knew about the halo effect: how kākā are now all over Wellington, how tīeke are nesting in Polhill Gully, how kererū and kākāriki frequent Karori, how tūī are a common sight and sound in our gardens. 

And I had heard of Sanctuary to Sea, with a vague understanding that it was about the Kaiwharawhara Stream. 

Now that my blinkers are off, a whole new perspective has opened up for me. With the Sanctuary to Sea project, Zealandia’s ‘Living with Nature’ kaupapa has embraced an aspirational and transformative focus beyond the fence. 



Student Volunteers show kaitiakitanga at ZEALANDIA

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Student Volunteer Week, 1-7 April 2019, celebrates and recognises the contributions of young people taking their future into their own hands. 
The focus in 2019 is Kaitiakitanga, the guardianship of our environment. Student volunteers are instrumental to this guardianship and are at the forefront of advocating for environmental protection and carbon neutrality. 

A Decade of Dedication

Alison and Michael Hamilton: Recipients of the 2018 Faye Schaef award

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Alison and Michael Hamilton were recipients of the 2018 Faye Schaef award for ZEALANDIA volunteers. This award was given in recognition of their work and dedication over the last decade, in which time they’ve done a range of volunteering activities from hihi feeding to mouse audits to being part of the transect team.

I met up with Alison and Michael recently to talk about why they volunteer as much as they do and what keeps them coming back.

The Road Gang

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Michael McBryde, Paul Kitteridge, Ian Appleton and Alan Perry call themselves the ‘road gang’. They are members of ZEALANDIA’s Wednesday working group – a group that meets every Wednesday morning  to carry out a wide range of maintenance tasks.


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