What's On at Zealandia



Responsible cat ownership: Microchipping

with Wellington City Council Animal Liaison Officer Alanah Day

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Almost half of all households in Aotearoa own at least one domestic cat, and 20% own two or more. Being a responsible cat owner is vital to keeping your cat safe and happy and also to helping keep native wildlife safe. Wellington City Council Animal Liaison Officer Alanah Day shares some information about one way that you can be a responsible cat owner: microchipping.

Creativity and being part of the natural world: resounding with a riroriro

Written by Dave Wilson – Senior Lecturer in Music at Te Herenga Waka – Victoria University of Wellington.

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Senior Lecturer in Music at Te Herenga Waka—Victoria University of Wellington, Dave Wilson, shared that he composed a musical piece inspired by the riroriro/grey warbler, often heard in Zealandia and surrounding neighbourhoods. We asked him to explain more about his view on creativity connecting with and being part of nature.

Take Action: Be a conservation-minded pet parent

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Our “fur-babies” are important members of our families, but they can also impact our local environments. 

That's why Gini, our Senior Communications Advisor who knows a thing or two about responsible cat ownership (she even wrote her thesis on it!), is here to help. She's got some great tips on how you can keep both your pets and native wildlife safe and happy!  

For the love of sponges

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"Little is known about Aotearoa New Zealand’s freshwater sponges. To date, only one species has been studied, yet there is a high likelihood that many other exist without us knowing. For my master’s project, I am investigating the diversity of species within New Zealand."

Dive into the world of freshwater sponges with Ella, a passionate master's student from the University of Otago, New Zealand. 

Student Volunteers show kaitiakitanga at ZEALANDIA

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Student Volunteer Week, 1-7 April 2019, celebrates and recognises the contributions of young people taking their future into their own hands. 
The focus in 2019 is Kaitiakitanga, the guardianship of our environment. Student volunteers are instrumental to this guardianship and are at the forefront of advocating for environmental protection and carbon neutrality. 

The Importance of Macrons in Te Reo Māori

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In te reo Māori, macrons are known as tohutō: tohu meaning a sign or a symbol, tō meaning to pull or heave: they are symbols that stretch.

Tohutō are essential in written reo Māori because their addition or omission can either change or remove meaning from a word. Despite this, tohutō are frequently omitted from text in newspapers, on road-signs and everything in between. Sometimes, the change in meaning can have disastrous results!


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