What's On at Zealandia



Changing the Current: Fish Passage in Aotearoa

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Aotearoa New Zealand's native ika/fish are quiet and cryptic, and their struggles often goes unnoticed. In New Zealand we have over 50 species of native freshwater fish and over 70% of them are threatened or at risk. Some key reasons for this are pollution, loss of habitat or the challenges these fish face simply to move between habitats.

This blog explores some of those issues and what we can do to help out our freshwater friends. 


Conservation in Cities. What Motivates Participation?

By Christopher Woolley

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Research into what makes people want to take part in different nature-based activities improves our ability to design projects that will engage large numbers of participants from diverse backgrounds. This is important to ensure that projects benefit from sufficient engagement to make them effective, as well as ensuring that projects are generally accessible and appealing. Research from Zealandia's Centre for People and Nature published in the journal People and Nature, examined how different backyard conservation activities appeal to different sorts of people in Aotearoa New Zealand, and what motivates participation.

The Waiata of Wellington

By Freya Bacon-Bootham

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Vibrant, unique manu/bird song greets me every time I step out my front door and is a hallmark of home. Whenever I am out of Whanganui-a-Tara/Wellington, it is one of the things I miss the most. Freya Bacon-Bootham shares her favourite soundtrack and the things birdsong can tell us about biodiversity.

Media Release: Lost fish species released at Zealandia to help restore freshwater ecosystem; a first for NZ

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From Friday 12 May, a freshwater fish species (toitoi) will start being released at Zealandia Te Māra a Tāne to make the Wellington ecosanctuary their new home.

This is the first time toitoi have been translocated in modern times and is likely the first freshwater fish translocation that has been done within Aotearoa New Zealand for restoration reasons. 

Actions for the Awa

Kia Mouriora Te Kaiwharawhara Sanctuary to Sea - Small Actions Equal Big Impacts

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How do we restore the mouri of an awa?

This is a complex task, but Kia Mouriora Te Kaiwharawhara Sanctuary to Sea (KMK/S2S) is trying to tackle it. Now five years into its 100-year goal of restoring the mouri of the Kaiwharawhara catchment, the project seeks to put the Kaiwharawhara in its rightful place as an essential piece in the healthy-ecosystem puzzle, and a source of kai, recreation, knowledge, and healing.

Read this article to find out how you can help the health of your local awa. 

Will they stay or will they shag off?

Kāruhiruhi and the lower reservoir restoration

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Written by Chris Gee (volunteer and boat skipper) and Ellen Irwin (Lead Ranger, Conservation)

In 2021, Zealandia Te Māra a Tāne carried out a project to restore the mouri and water quality of the lower reservoir, Roto Kawau. As part of this project, the water level of the reservoir was lowered by six metres, creating an expanse of bare, fractured mud. An important aspect at the beginning of this whole project was implementing a wildlife hazard management plan to identify any specific hazards to Zealandia species presented by the lower reservoir operation, and to consider mitigation approaches where necessary. This article discusses how the kawau/shag species reacted to the lowering water level. 


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